
Chapter One :Chapter 1

"Hey, isn't this Shen Xuan? And you can still afford to travel by high-speed rail?" A yellow-haired youngster dressed in a branded outfit looked disdainfully at Shen Xuan. The people by his side also chimed in, jesting:

"No, no, Song, you should be saying he can still afford to attend university!"

"Shen Xuan, given your family's circumstances, did you perhaps sell off your old house to gather the tuition fee? Ahahaha!"

This group of people took turns to disparage and scoff at Shen Xuan.

At this moment, Shen Xuan, who just acquired the memory of this body's previous owner, could only shake his head and sigh. He had transmigrated, and to a freshman's body nonetheless.

The previous owner had always been a constant target of bullying throughout high school. Despite his good academic performance and appealing looks which attracted numerous female admirers, his family's poor financial situation was always the topic of mockery among these people.

He thought that by leaving that small town he could avoid their grip, but unexpectedly he bumped into them again.

"Yes, I'm poor and penniless. You should stop wasting your time on someone like me."

Constantly going back and forth with these people was the last thing Shen Xuan wanted. His goal was to end this nuisance as soon as possible. As someone who's been through his second incarnation, he was far more mature than these people.

However, his meek response only served as more entertainment for these people.

"Wow, you're acting really cool there!"

"Who's saying no? Shen Xueba, where's your teacher to help you out now, you poor thing?"

"But you were right just now. I can smell the poverty just sitting next to you on this high-speed rail...”

The deliberately loud words of these people naturally echoed through the entire high-speed rail carriage.

Shen Xuan naturally became the focal point.

Everyone knew that this clean and handsome young boy seemed to come from a poor background, which caused some heads to shake in pity.

"How could someone so handsome have such a hard life!"

"Isn't that the truth? Living in a mud house, it's hard to imagine."

"No worries, I'm sure there will be plenty of wealthy women falling for him in the future."

As these people were discussing, many were also watching.

A beautiful girl sitting in the middle of the carriage was one of them.

She was curiously checking out the boy in the crowd, keeping his cool and not showing any despair.

The surrounding discussion reached Shen Xuan's ears, but he remained undisturbed, standing there as if nothing happened.

Seeing that Shen Xuan's reaction was neither as timid as when in school nor showing any fear or apprehension towards them, they suddenly felt a little bored.

After randomly pushing Shen Xuan twice, the leader of the group muttered a phrase.

"What a fool, so dim and poor, it serves him right to be poor all his life!"

"Right, with his lack, he can't possibly compare to Brother Song; after all, not everyone has a Mercedes."

"I'm really envious of Brother Song, even though he didn't get to university, just messing around for a few years is better than us having to work a job."

The surrounding sycophancy made the ringleader very comfortable. After expressing his satisfaction with a nod, he walked towards the carriage, and Shen Xuan also returned to his seat.

He had just reached his seat when he found a pair of white and long tender beautiful legs blocking his way.

He was in seat A, and the owner of these beautiful legs was in seat B, so he had to pass her to get to his own.

"Excuse me, could you let me through?"

The calm and magnetic voice of the young man emanated from Shen Xuan's mouth.

Zhao Xinyi, who was seated, heard Shen Xuan's words and immediately got up with a slight smile.

After arranging his luggage and everything, Shen Xuan finally had the opportunity to take a look at his seatmate.

Then, he was stunned.

She was just too beautiful.

Her hair, reaching almost to her waist, delicately curled, a beautiful face lightly touched with makeup, a cool complexion that yet expressed kindness.

She wore a thin sweatshirt on her upper body, and a short pleated skirt on her lower body.

Those slender, straight, fair legs were on full display in front of Shen Xuan. Truly, those were exceptional legs!

In his past life, Shen Xuan had seen many so-called 'beauty bloggers' and internet celebrities, but this person still left Shen Xuan amazed.

However, even though the other party's beauty was extremely high, Shen Xuan's gaze held only simple admiration.

After thanking the other party, he closed his eyes to rest on the chair.

At this time, Li Songyan, who had already walked out of this compartment, suddenly turned back, intending to go to the bathroom.

When he was passing Shen Xuan, he saw Zhao Xinyi sitting next to him.

Beautiful! So beautiful! Top class!

This youthful feeling coupled with a stunning face, immediately outshines all the Tiktok celebrities!

The fan girls who usually flatter him couldn't even compare a hair to her!

If he could get her in bed, how amazing would that be...

Back to his senses, Li Songyan immediately straightened his clothes and showed what he considered a handsome smile.

"Hello, Miss, my name is Li Songyan, I am fortunate to be on the same train with you."

At this, Zhao Xinyi coldly glanced at him and spoke politely.


After replying, she didn't spare him another glance and turned her head back towards Shen Xuan.

Li Songyan just felt a fire burning in his chest!

Why is it like this again?

Just like those high school girls who only had eyes for Shen Xuan?

What's so good about this poor guy?

Isn't he just taller than me? Handsomer than me? Body better than me?

Li Songyan could only feel the sour jealousy permeating the air in the whole carriage.

He glared viciously at Shen Xuan, unable to hold back, he had to first visit the restroom.

At this moment, a beautiful woman suddenly struck up a conversation with Shen Xuan.

"Are you a college student?"

Hearing the melodious voice next to him, Shen Xuan looked at her and nodded slightly.

"XiChuan University, First Year."

For a moment, their gazes locked.

Both were captivated by the color in each other's eyes.

After taking a detailed look at the woman, Shen Xuan also nodded in secret.

The woman in front of him was really beautiful, and there was also an inexplicable feeling.

However, such a woman was not something that he, himself could touch.

The clothes on the other party weren't necessarily luxurious, but they weren't cheap either; their family seemed to be well-off.

The protagonist's family situation, truthfully, was out of their league.

Penniless again! All the miseries stemmed from poverty!

Damn it! I also want to be wealthy!

Shen Xuan turned his head away, ultimately letting out a helpless sigh.

However, he didn't expect a cue, causing him to shudder, to sound in his head.

"Host's body has been scanned, transmigrator's identity confirmed!"

"System of Billionaire Gods has been bound!"

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